  Using Grades 1-2 Fraction Bars Teacher Resource Package

The first half of this package contains Activity Sheets to accompany the lessons for Grade 1, and the second half contains Activity Sheets for Grade 2.
There are two Activity Sheets for each lesson. These are numbered to correspond to the numbers of the lessons. For example, #4A and #4B are the two activity sheets for Lesson 4, and each pair of Activity Sheets for a lesson are on opposite sides of a single sheet. The activity sheets can be used in class for practice and assessment or as follow-up homework assignments.


The set of activity sheets for each grade level is preceded by a black and white cartoon that can be reproduced for students. These sheets can be colored and/or personalized for covers. Each set of students' sheets can be kept in a folder or bound with string or yarn by hole-punching the edge of the sheets.

  Gd1to2 Sample covers

Many of the activity sheets begin with examples. Some students may need to be helped with directions for these sheets and guided through one or more examples.


The answers for the activity sheets for lessons 1-6 involve only whole numbers - no fractions. However, some of these answers are written in boxes that resemble the fraction format.


Following each set of activity sheets for grades 1 and 2 there is an answer section.