(1) Grades 3-4 Fraction Bars Teachers Guide(lessons, games, and masters)
(2) Deck of Fraction Bars (49 bars)
(3) Deck of Fraction Bars Playing Cards (49 cards)
(4) Grades 3-4 Fraction Bars Teacher Resource Package (activity sheets, tests, and answers)
(5) Fraction Bars Transparencies (49 transparent bars)
(6) Fraction Bars Activity Mats (30 mats)
(7) Game Markers (200 markers in four colors)
| (5) There are 49 colored Fraction Bars Transparencies. There is a transparency corresponding to each plastic Fraction Bar. The transparencies can be used for teacher or student demonstrations of fraction equalities, inequalities, and the four basic operations on fractions. For organizing the transparencies for classroom demonstrations and storage there is a Fraction Bars Transparency Holder. |
| (7) There are 200 game markers on punch-out sheets of cardstock in four colors. |