Fraction Bars Box of Games | |||||||||||||||||
This package has 12 games selected from the complete set of games in the Grades 5-8 Fraction Bars Teachers Guide. Each game requires a deck of Fraction Bars and can be played with up to four players. These games build a foundation for equality
and the four basic operations before fraction symbols are introduced. The game box contains a deck of Fraction Bars game cards with directions and examples game mats game markers and 2 dice. Here are the games and the concepts involved in each game: |
5-Bars (basic concepts): Fraction Bingo (basic concepts) 5-Bars Equality (equality) Fraction Bingo Equality (equality) Small Step Race (equality and addition) FRIO - Fractions In Order (inequality) Fraction Bars Blackjack (addition) Addition Race (addition) Diffe (subtraction) Capture (division): Roll and Race (multiplication) 2-Bar Hi-Score (division) |
Ordering Information for Fraction Bars Games |