Grade 3: Lessons 1 through 11
Grade 4: Lessons 1 through 24
(Six lessons are linked below.)
Lesson 1: Introduction to Fractions (Bars and Cards)
Lesson 2: Fractions and Fraction Names (8-Bars)
Lesson 3: Equality of Fractions (5-Bars Match-up and Fraction Bingo)
Lesson 4: Equality of Fractions (Match)
Lesson 5: Fraction Family & Common Denominators (Small Step Race)
Lesson 6: Word Problems Involving Equality and Regions
Lesson 7: Inequality of Fractions (8-Bars Inequality)
Lesson 8: Inequality and the ½ Benchmark (Take A Chance)
Lesson 9: Decreasing and Increasing Fractions (FRIO)
Lesson 10: Word Problems Involving Inequality (Flip)
Lesson 11: Finding Part of Collections for Fractions
Lesson 12: Finding Fractions for Parts of Collections
Lesson 13: Word Problems Involving Collections
Lesson 14: Number Lines and Mixed Numbers (Number Lines Race)
Lesson 15: Measuring Length and Rounding
Lesson 16: Building a Ruler
Measuring & Rounding
Lesson 17: Equality of Fractions and Percents (Fraction-Percent Concentration)
Lesson 18: Fractions-Decimals-Percents (Fraction-Decimal Concentration)
Lesson 19: Addition of Fractions(Small Step Addition
No. Lines Addition Race)
Lesson 20: Addition - Like and Unlike Denominators
Lesson 21: Subtraction of Fractions (Capture & No. Lines Subtraction Race)
Lesson 22: Subtraction - Like and Unlike Denominators
Lesson 23: Taking Fractions of Fractional Amounts (Greater Than ½)
Lesson 24: Probability and Predictions
Grade 3
22 Activity Sheets for Lessons (homework - under separate cover)
10 Masters to Accompany Lessons (in-class work - at end of guide)
Grade 4
48 Activity Sheets for Lessons (homework - under separate cover)
21 Masters to Accompany Lessons (in-class work - at end of guide)